Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Do Ghosts Exist?

Do you believe in ghosts? We see them on TV shows, read about them in books, and read stories from people in the newspapers.  I believe ghosts exist but have yet to see one, and it’s not for lack of trying.  Sometimes I go out of my way to try to see if one is hanging around…

For example, when I am at the cemetery visiting my grandparents in the Bronx, I focus really hard to see if any of them want to come out and visit me.  If not, I look around at their ‘neighbors’ to see if they are out and about. To date, nothing has happened, but then again, I really don’t visit that often because it is too far away.

I have a friend who has a beach house in a nearby state.  On her property is a second abandoned house, which is really old.  When she went into the basement of the abandoned house, she saw some orbs moving around.  When I went to visit her last year, I asked nicely if she would take me to the basement of that house.  She was reticent, but I was more insistent.  I sat on the basement steps, shining her flashlight around the dark, damp cellar.  I called to the ghosts and tried to entice them to come out, but nothing appeared. 

I even tried to see a ghost while in Europe.  One day, our student group was visiting the catacombs in Rome.  The catacombs are a long, intricate maze of underground burial places.  They go down several levels, or ‘floors’, taking you deeper below the ground.  As you walk the passages, tombs containing one or more bodies, are stacked vertically along the dirt walls.  As we followed our guide in single fashion around corners of the passages, I brought up the rear of our student group, making sure everyone stayed together so no one got lost in this underground maze.  A number of times, I lingered behind and let space get between the last student and me.  I wanted to see if any ghosts appeared who were out watching us ‘tourists’.  I had to be careful not to linger too long though because if I lost the group, chances are I would see lots of ghosts that night… 

As a child I was afraid of ghosts, but now I am not.  I attribute this to a combination of maturity and knowledge about them.  I do not believe that they can physically do anything to us. 

So am I really obsessed with ghosts?  Hardly.  But if I find myself in a situation where I might be able to see one, I am open for the possibility.  I think it would be an amazing experience to see a ghost.

Does anyone have any experience seeing a ghost?


  1. Oh Linda...we need to talk, I could tell you some stories!

  2. Haha, too many to share here. Brittany and I need to come visit you one day, (Kelly gets too freaked out) or you should meet us at UCONN...we could go on for at least an hour or 2.

    One story is from the house in the Bronx (Bob and Mike S. can both corroborate), one is from Gram's funeral. There are a few more that involve Gram and then...there is my house. Very weird happening here. (and my dog sees dead people :))

    Taking it to the next level is Gregg's family...they are a haunted bunch! MANY stories there. Good times, good times!

  3. Hey, if Gram came to visit you and not me....

  4. Maybe you are not paying enough attention!
