Saturday, August 25, 2012

Finders Keepers

If you walked into a diner and sat at a table and found an abandoned $300 pair of sunglasses on the windowsill, what would you do?  Would you think someone left them behind and probably wouldn’t come back for them?  Would you take them?

The saying “Finders keepers, losers weepers” basically means that if a person finds anything that is not his, he gets to keep it and he who lost it shall weep.  As young children, this seemed to be an unwritten law we endured when something was lost or found on the playground, neighborhood yard, or anywhere else.  All we had to do was chant this phrase and the found item miraculously became ours. 

Granted this system would not hold up in a court of law, but it was and still is the system that is practiced by many children.  Sometimes it holds up and sometimes it doesn’t.  It depends who is on the other side, whether they are bigger, stronger, or smarter.  Is it fair or right?  Of course not.

Fast forward to situations involving lost items more expensive than a kickball, a bracelet, or baseball card.  You accidentally leave behind a $300 pair of sunglasses in a local diner.  You return two hours later and they are gone. Your Smartphone falls from your pocket in a store and when you backtrack to look for it, it is not in the lost and found.  Your wallet falls from your hands as you maneuver grocery bags into your car.  When you return to the parking spot an hour later, there is no wallet. 

As we grow up, thankfully most of us learn that some things we did and said on the playground were immature and wrong. So we have to ask ourselves why that ‘finders keepers, losers weepers’ mentality stays with some people.  You should be able to return to retrieve your sunglasses, phone, or wallet if you accidentally left it behind.  So why do people take things that don’t belong to them?

You may answer that perhaps the person who took your item was poor and needed it. Or perhaps you are thinking that if someone is careless enough to leave something of value behind, then they deserve to have it taken.  Really?  Everyone makes mistakes.  If some people have difficulty keeping track of their belongings, that doesn’t mean someone else has the right to them.  Just because something was found in a public place does not give someone permission to take what is not his.

Looking at it from the other side, what if you are the one who found that $300 pair of sunglasses or that brand new Smartphone?  Would you proclaim, ‘This is my lucky day!’ as you take the item and move on?  Would you rationalize that it is only fair, because someone else took something of yours one time  This sounds like immature playground mentality to me.

At the airport in Italy a week ago, I found a wallet on a bench by the security screening area.  Someone must have lost it while sitting and putting his shoes back on.  Perhaps it fell from his pocket.  I didn’t want to look inside because if someone was watching, my action might be mistaken for me taking money from it.  I immediately gave the wallet to an airport security worker.  As I turned to continue on my way, I saw him pass it off to another security worker.  I said to my son that I hope they were going to make an attempt to find the man before his flight leaves and not just take the money.  My son said I had to have faith that there were still a lot of honest people in the world.  After all, hadn’t I just done the right thing?

I guess my faith in people doing the right thing gets challenged when I hear of so many people leaving things behind that aren’t found when they go to retrieve them.  It boils down to knowing right from wrong; being brought up with morals, so that even when you are on the playground wanting to chant that phrase and keep the baseball card you found, you don’t.


  1. When I was in high school (many years ago) I was in a bank and there was a pile of cash on the island where you fill out your deposit slips. I looked around and there was no one else in the bank. I was hesitant to pick up the cash thinking as you said someone might think I was taking it. But I did and gave it to the teller explaining I found in on the island. She said thanks and I completed my transaction. She never asked any details about me and I never thought about it again. A year later, my parents (who had accounts in the same bank) got a letter from the bank explaining what I had done the year before, appreciated my honesty and that no one had come to claim the money. Enclosed with the letter was a check made out to me for $200. Sometimes it literally pays to be honest.
    Bill W.

    1. Bill, what a great story! You must have been shocked and pleasantly surprised. Thanks for sharing it...

  2. I left my purse in a shopping carriage at Stews in the parking lot. I didn't realize until hours later. I went back to Stews and someone had returned it to customer service. In the inside pocket were my wedding rings. I was extremely happy that someone had the decency to not steal my purse that day.

    1. Great hearing stories like this! You certainly were a lucky lady that day... <3

  3. I also lost my wallet in Flushing Queens. The people who found it spent almost a week trying to find me. Once they did, they were very careful to "clear me" with a few identifying questions. I was so grateful to them for their effort and to know someone was not being abusive to me. Now, even though it is getting ratty looking and it silver with a hot pink lining, I don't want to give it up. It's mY lucky wallet!

    1. Another great story! That's what we need to hear more of...the good things. By the way, why are you up so early? :-)

  4. After going to the bank to withdraw cash for the week, I stopped by a particular grocery store for 3 items I wanted to pick up, maybe a $7-10 bill from that store. I did not notice my wallet slipped out of my purse until I got home.

    I rushed back and looked in all the carts...nothing! I looked in the parking lot, hoping to at least find my empty wallet, again, nothing! Even though I knew I was just wasting time, (I should be cancelling credit cards, right?!) I went to the cashier that check me out and she said she thought she heard that one of their workers found a wallet and turned it in. After verifying who I was...I was handed my wallet...with ALL the cash/credit cards/license etc. still in it!

    I asked if I could speak to the person who turned it in and they brought me to the woman. I tried to give her $20 while I was thanking her profusely...she smiled and hugged me and said "Ma'am, you keep that money. I turned it in because it was the right thing to do. I work hard for my money and I am sure you do too. Have a blessed day!" Then...I cried!

  5. I left a pair of sunglasses in a restaurant one time. As soon as I got home I realized it and called the restaurant. The hostess told me oh yes, pick them up whenever you want.

    To me returning things is the norm because I would want someone to do it for me. (Treat others as you want to be treated).

    My earliest memory of returning something I found was when I was 8 years old. I found a $1 in the school parking lot and turned the dollar into the principal's office. Not only did the principal tell me that I did a wonderful thing, she also told me to comeback in 2 day to see if anyone claimed it. I did as instructed, not only was the dollar (which for a 8 year old in 1965 was alot of money)not claimed, the principal told me the dollar was mine. I was one happy 8 year old.

    From the comments you can see that most people try to do the right thing.
