Sunday, July 8, 2012

Sleep Positions

I love to sleep.  As adults, we should spend 7-9 hours daily sleeping.  During the school year I may be a little short on sleep, but on a day with no reason to set the alarm, I can and do sleep like a teenager.  Ten to twelve hours is typical for a weekend day for me.  Some of my friends are jealous because I can still sleep like that at ‘my age’. 

I know some people are of the mindset that sleeping is just wasted time when you can be doing something with your life.  I used to share that belief when I was in my 20s and 30s.  But now I realize that sleeping is part of life.  With it, the quality of your life and health will be better.  When I lie down to sleep at night, my whole body sighs.  I close my eyes and look forward to the hours ahead where I get to rest my muscles from the work of the day.  I try to rest my mind from the day’s stresses or worries, although they may rear themselves in my dreams.  I look forward to dreams, some of which I may be lucky enough to remember upon waking.  I love those crazy mixed up dreams that combine people of different time eras, places, and events.  It’s your own creative story that you authored.  Granted many times the dreams don’t have endings though.

There are many positions that people use when they sleep.  There are perhaps well-known facts about the positions and then superstitious generalizations about the people who sleep in each position.  Sleeping on your back is supposed to be the best for you.  It is said to prevent neck and back pain, minimizes wrinkles, and can also reduce acid reflux. On the other hand, snoring is usually the worst when sleeping on your back.   If you keep your arms down by your side, it is referred to as the soldier position. Soldiers are said to be quiet and reserved.  Avoiding a fuss, they set high standards for themselves and others.  If both arms are up around the pillow, that is called the starfish position. Avoiding being the center of attention, starfish sleepers are said to make good friends because they are good listeners and offer help when needed. 

Sleeping on your side with both arms out in front is yet another position.  This position is good for the same reasons as the back position, but also ideal for pregnant women. Pregnant woman are told to sleep on their left side for ideal blood flow.  The side position also reduces snoring.  However, the smushed face you get from side sleeping can cause more wrinkles.  Side sleepers are also referred to as yearners.  They can be suspicious and cynical.  They can be slow to make up their minds, but unwavering once they do.

A very popular sleeping position is the fetal position.  Coincidentally, it is good for pregnant women.  It is also good for reduced snoring. But other than that, it is not an ideal sleeping position. It is bad for your neck and back, can increase wrinkles, and you can feel it when you wake up if you have arthritic back or joints. Those who sleep in this position are said to be tough on the outside but sensitive at heart.  Initially shy, they warm up when meeting people.

Probably the worst position for neck, back, and wrinkles is to sleep on your stomach.  Also referred to as the freefaller, stomach sleeping makes it difficult to keep your spine in a neutral position.  It also puts more pressure on joints and muscles.  It is great for snorers though and also good for digestion. Freefallers are said to be social and bold, but don’t like criticism or extreme situations.

Pillows are a great accessory for sleeping too.  There are long ones, flat or fluffy, and water-filled varieties.  You can use multiple pillows and strategically place them under and around body parts. They are an important part of a comfortable night's sleep.

Many people start in one position and change it throughout their night’s sleep.  I am one of them.  I almost always start out as a starfish, but then turn fetal.  I guess I can somewhat agree with the superstitious generalizations about me there.  Regardless which position you sleep in, your body does need an adequate amount of sleep to regenerate itself. 

What kind of sleeper are you?  Do the generalizations match your personality?
This position is not among the popular adult positions.  I don't even think it has a name...


  1. What about if I sleep hanging from my feet? Does that make me an old bat?

  2. Actually, stomach is good for your back, not so good for your neck though... I'm usually a half stomach/half side kind of girl.
    And I agree with you, sleep is a beautiful thing. I think most people don't get enough of it. I make it a point to get at least 8 hours, if not 8-9 (on most but not all nights). Sue Given

  3. I have 2 favorite positions - the mummy (on back, with arms crossed on chest) and the pillow hugger (on stomach with both arms wrapping pillow, head turned left). I find that the right pillow is essential to a good nights sleep. I need a small flat pillow. Many hotels only carry big beefy pillows - invariably I'll wake groggy with a stiff neck. Ray

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    sleep position psychology
